Monday, 17 October 2011


(This is an article I wrote for the devotional book, Penned From The Heart.)

       They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in.”  Psalm 107:4  

I trudged dejectedly down the busy streets of Kingston, Jamaica. The empty, hollow sound of my shoes against the pavement was an echo of the discouragement in my own soul. I felt things couldn’t possibly get worse. First, it was the miscarriage, and then the car caught fire. If that was not enough, my client-based business was failing and we were losing money. My husband wanted me to close the business down.
“This is like a dearth,” I sighed. “It’s just like a wilderness.” 

Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Lord speak in my heart, “Just as sure as there is a wilderness, there is a promised land.”  These words kept hope alive during the difficult days that followed. Like the Israelites journeying through the desert, our problems seemed overwhelming. We prayed and waited and then prayed some more.Change did not come quickly, but it did. Slowly, the business recovered and began to make a profit. About a year later, I gave birth to a baby girl.

Not all wilderness experiences are the same, but we all experience loss, grief, and hardship. And the illusion is that it will never end. But as sure as it began, it will end.  The wilderness does not last forever. God keeps His word. He will sustain us through the hard times then bring us into a time of rest and renewal. 

Prayer:  Father, please help us have faith that endures during the hard times.
