(I shared this before but felt directed to post it again as someone may need it.)
Susie (not her real name), a teenager in my local youth group, came to see me one day. As she poured out her story, it became clear that she needed a lot of help, but not the kind of help that we, as a church, could offer. When she finished her story, her eyes bored into mine, desperate for some sign of hope.
"What am I going to do, Phillippa?" she asked.
I had no answer. Days after the meeting, I was still thinking; trying to come up with some kind of solution to her dilemma. Nothing. I began to worry.
While standing next to the kitchen sink one evening, I suddenly felt the urge to pray. I went over to my bedside, knelt down and waited, sensing that the Lord was about to speak. I received the impression He wanted me to talk to Him about what was on my mind, so I expressed my concern about Susie.
Quietly and unmistakably, He said, "(her real name) is not your problem, she's Mine."
Completely taken off guard, I responded, "Oh."
Relief replaced surprise as I understood that He was saying, "I got this." (Actually, He's "got" everything and everyone that we bring to him in prayer, but sometimes we need a reminder.)
I watched Suzie's life turn around. I congratulated her as she happily graduated from college some years later. And I praised the amazing God who cares so deeply for all His children and knows us all by name.
Do not worry about those in your life that belong to the LORD. He is working all things out for their good. Hang in there, change is coming!