Wednesday, 11 September 2013

To All Worry warts:

I sat at my desk struggling to find faith. I could not pray. Not even tears brought relief.
Reaching for the small calendar off to my right, I wrote down the lines of a song I’d heard my mother sing often. It was all I felt I could do.

Keep on believing, Jesus is near
Keep on believing, there’s nothing to fear

I was waiting for the delivery of the office payroll. Sales had been down for me recently and I knew not to expect any pay. However, I needed the equivalent of two months rent as I was moving and that amount was required by the renter.

When the checks arrived, I opened my envelope and almost gasped. Inside was a check for about ten times the amount I needed. I gave my head office a quick call to explain that they had made a mistake. They had. They informed me however, that they could not recall the check but I could reimburse them over a period of time! What a God!

We cannot tell our future one minute from now. Because of that, we worry when things look like they are not going to work out well. But Jesus said, “Don’t worry about tomorrow….” (Matthew 6:34 NLT) He does not forget us or our needs. He does not even forget one sparrow—and we mean so much more to Him. Be encouraged. Our stories might not be the same, but our God is.

Monday, 2 September 2013

A little something to tickle your funny bone....

My 8-year-old daughter Sofia sometimes sees things a little differently from most of us.  One day while visiting a family friend, my friend remarked how much Sofia resembled her sister, Jewel.  Sofia seemed surprised at this. 
“You don’t know how much you look like Jewel?” Mona asked.
“Well, I can’t see my face,” Sofia replied, “‘cause my eyes are on it.”

Well, well.