Friday 4 November 2011

Let's Eat!

“Jesus saith unto them, Come and dine…”  John 21:12

One of the things I missed most when I went off to college was the tasty cooked-from-scratch meals my mother would serve up at home.  My mother knew this, so whenever I visited during breaks, she always had a bowl of my favorite soup ready.  We would sit and eat at the kitchen table while catching up on the latest news.  I felt so special – this moment was created just for me.  

Jesus’ disciples must have felt the same way when He appeared to them on the shores of the sea of Gallilee after His resurrection.  Tired after their fruitless toil in the night, and then hauling in the huge catch after obeying Jesus’ instructions, they gratefully accepted the invitation to join Him for breakfast.  This was one of their special moments with Him—one that they would not soon forget, but would cherish in their hearts long after His ascension.  

Yet, the moment signaled a deeper meaning than that of fellowship or food.  Jesus then commissioned them to serve Him by serving others.  They were to feed hungry people just as He had fed them. (John 21:15) 
We also have the privilege of dining with Jesus.  He is the Bread of life and invites us to have fellowship with Him in His word and prayer.  Sharing special moments with Him will bring us joy and satisfaction but will also give us the virtue we need to go and share the good news of the gospel with others. 

©2010 Phillippa Brown

1 comment:

  1. Well I never thought of it that way before. After reading this I have a strong urge to go fellowship with the Lord now. Thank you.
